Ur Realist Black American Network


Thursday, June 4, 2015

U.E. Update : Artist Spotlights: @tjuan Fleek [official video], @trillionismoney & @ninostaxx latest from "Moves and Money", #Newmusic @natalielarose Around the World

Finally the video is out, you might have heard this on the radio show, DJ Samore gotta have the playlist on "Fleek" with this one. In cased you missed it check out the interview wiht Tjuan on the urban experience, with DJ Samore (Click Here).  The album Better Man releases this month.

Official video from Tjuan Ft Celina Lina "Fleeked"

Artist Spotlight no. 2:  Our boyz Trillion and Nino Staxx are working on the new project "Moves and Money" drop the latest visual Rose pedals.

Visit http://solidbrickfilms.com to watch more exclusives!

Check out http://ninostaxx.com and http://trillionismoney.com to hear more music!

 New Music: Natalie La Rose feat Fetty Wap: Around the world